Seeking Peacefulness in Nilaveli, Sri Lanka

Written by jk12

For a solo female traveler such as myself, there is always a particular kind of excitement that one gets with destinations that focus on both peace and hospitality. In this respect, my last trip to Nilaveli, located on the beautiful shores of Trincomalee, Sri Lanka, was the ideal combination of peace and warm Sri Lankan hospitality.

The moment I set foot in Nilaveli, I was amazed by how pristine the place was. The beach is long with soft, powdery sand, making one want to take off one’s shoes and relax. It was nothing like being in a crowded tourist destination. In fact, Nilaveli gave me luxury without the luxury of solitude. There were just enough people to exchange smiles with.

One of the most memorable parts of my trip was the simple pleasure of swimming in the calm Indian Ocean. The sea in this place is gentle, smooth, and suitable for soaking in or swimming. While travelling, personal security is a key concern, especially for a lady traveling alone. However, in this peaceful setting, I was as safe as a kid under the eagle-eyed local lifeguards and people by the beach who operate the restaurants.

The local hospitality and the friendly nature of the people made the trip more remarkable. Local people treated me in a very friendly manner at all times. Every interaction made, whether it was with the cheerful staff at the beachside guesthouse that I lodged in or the smiling people in the beautiful small restaurants found along the shores, there was an element of hospitality in every interaction. I recall enjoying many Sri Lankan delicacies, from seafood to curries, with good company and many ideas to share.

What comforted me most about the trip is that, as a woman traveling alone, I never had a single moment when I felt unsafe. I was never even slightly uncomfortable or felt that I was out of place. Even the residents made efforts to attend to my needs and please me by promoting various sites and recounting some of their own travel experiences.

There is more to see in Sri Lanka than the beach, and Nilaveli has more to its beauty. My afternoons were all about looking for other landmarks and historic places, such as the Koneswaram temple and Trincomalee town. Every such experience reminded me of the Islands’ history and the country’s current events.

Looking back on my five days in Nilaveli, I cannot help but thank the experiences I have had and the people I have met. It’s beyond the magnificent sunsets or the agreeable swimming; it is the friendships built in a sub-destination that became home, though temporarily.

Nilaveli is friendly and its perfections are simple but will always stay in my heart. Here, relaxation coexists with activities and every second is too precious and too good to go waste. There are few gems that other than showing the beautiful coastline of Sri Lanka, replenish one’s spirit and Nilaveli is one such gem.

Beautiful images contributed by jk12 thank you

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