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Of course, this ancient Hindu-Buddhist temple complex is a “must-see” – it’s a world-famous UNESCO attraction outside Siem Reap in Cambodia. But more than that, it is just plain magnificent, gob-smacking, and humbling. When planning our trip, visiting Angkor Wat…
A small city of approximately, 250,000 people, the Siem Reap River splits this delightful town into two halves. Travelling through the middle, the river was created by the ancient kings of the Khmer Empire to provide water to the city.…
Phnom Penh-Siem Reap Having recently travelled the length and breadth of Southeast Asia on various transport; including an overnight sleeper train, a long-haul bus, and a river ferry, the choice to travel our next leg, the length of Cambodia, by…
Locally known as Koch Dach (Before you read this story, for context, I suggest you read Phnom Penh-City Tour ). Early the following day, Sorya picked us up in his Tuk Tuk. We traveled for 10 minutes across the Mekong…
Six hours after leaving Vietnam, we docked at Phnom Penh. Excited. Anticipating our first experience of Cambodia. Disembarking from our ferry into a hot sticky day onto a very steep and crowded bridge, chaos reigned. Where was our stowed luggage?…
The daily high-speed ferry departs from South Vietnam (Chau Doc) at 7.30a.m. Picked up from the hotel we were very politely and rather tentatively shown where to embark. We walked down a broken concrete stairway that circumvented another hotel, The…
As most of us know, Vietnam is renowned for its food. Fresh, tasty, and authentic. The Vietnamese people celebrate food and treat it as a time to get together with friends and family to share plates of delicious food, cooked…
The Capital of Vietnam Hanoi is one of the most exciting and absorbing cities I have ever visited. The best way I can describe its appeal is to divide our experiences into headings named “Streets.” It is a city very…
Saigon to Chau Doc A six and half hour bus trip from HCMC to Chau Doc was the last leg of our Vietnam journey. We planned to travel by ferry up the Mekong to Phnom Penh for the next instalment…
Hoi An Hoi An translates as “peaceful meeting place”. And indeed, the city’s serenity was captivating as soon as we disembarked from our 45-minute taxi ride from Danang. History – A UNESCO World Heritage site, the small ancient city of…
Hanoi – Da Nang. On the night train Recently selected by Lonely Planet as the leading journey among eight of the world’s great train journeys, The Reunification Express departs twice daily from Hanoi and travels the coastline down to Ho Chi Minh City over…
In 2015, we visited NYC. One of the enduring curiosities I had of “The Big Apple” was a nostalgic longing to visit Coney Island. Settled by the Dutch in 1624, Coney Island opened its first hotel in post-Civil War times.…