The Mytravelroom Story

Welcome to ®Mytravelroom , designed to share with you and fellow travellers.  I’m very excited to have your attention and interest and look forward to reading and seeing your stories, photos, and information about your own travel experiences and adventures on this website.

The genesis of ®Mytravelroom comes from a lifetime of loving travel.  It is, in my eyes, and apart from obvious reasons such as family, children, community – what life is all about. An adventure.

As a child of a family who moved every 2 years including time in the UK and SE Asia, the disruption excitement, and anticipation of the unknown became deeply embedded in my DNA.  So, travel is easy for me. The unfamiliar excites me.  As a consequence, over time reading about it, talking about it, and now writing about it, has become my passion.

As the old saying goes; “Do something you’re passionate about “.   So, after completing a 12-month Travel Journalism course through the New Zealand Writers College I needed to “hone” my newly minted skills and decide what it was I was going to do with them. 

Going freelance or working for someone didn’t appeal.  After much rumination and tossing ideas around with friends and my partner, I landed on this idea. A unique site designed specifically for you – fellow travellers.

The idea percolated and gradually, over the following few months I developed, (along with Cy “The Boss” from Responsive), a site where not only can I write about and share my travel experiences with others but also provide a platform where others can do the same.  A community of like-minded adventurous and interesting people who love to travel and want to share. 

And so here we are  – live to travel travel to live.

I would love you to use this site to write about and share your travel stories, ideas, and suggestions and to have fun. 

 I look forward to hearing from you, seeing you, and best of all reading about your travel adventures, ideas, and suggestions.

Let’s start sharing.

Thank you.


  • Joe BennettTravel writer, author and all round great guy.
  • Nichola Meyer, The Writers College Principal NZ Writers College –
  • My friends and partner for their ongoing encouragement and love throughout this project.
    • Disclosures -Mytravelroom receives no payment or incentives for any stories, photos, videos etc, published on the mytravelroom website -unless otherwise stated.
    • All fees & prices are correct at the time of publication